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Helpful Information

Welcome to the Congregational Church of North Stonington! 

We are glad you found us. 

You are Welcome

We are an Open and Affirming Church

which means no matter who you are

or where you are on your faith journey

you are welcome here. 

Sunday worship begins at 10 a.m. each week.

Handicap parking and access

are in front of the Meetinghouse. 

We have hearing-assist devices.

We stream our service online.


Worship Life

Our Sunday worship is accessible to all in its simplicity.  We use every--day language.  Our music is sacred as well as contemporary at times. We pray together, sing together, listen together and wonder together at how God is at work in our lives and in the world. 

We have occasional services during holy times (Thanksgiving ecumenical service, Holy Week services, prayer services.) 

Love Ukraine
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We are concerned with the well-being of all creatures and creation. 
We believe
Love God - Love Neighbor-Love Self
We come together to be renewed so we can go out into the world to live our faith.

Love Ukraine
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