Music at the
Congregational Church
The Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Music Ministry encompasses music of various styles and genres to enhance the worship experience for all who attend worship. Choirs include the Senior Choir, Youth Choir, Cherub Choir and a 3-octave Handbell Choir, The Village Ringers. The sanctuary has a 1911, 7-rank Estey Pipe Organ which was refurbished in 1992 by the Potter-Rathbun Organ Company of
Cranston, RI, as well as a Wm. Knabe & Co. Grand Piano. The organ is currently maintained by McNeely Organ Company of Waterford, CT.
Music During Worship
Music at each Sunday worship service ranges from Baroque to Classical to Gospel and Spirituals, as well as contemporary music. Worship begins with the organ prelude and continues to include rousing hymns from the New Century Hymnal as well as other resources. The service ends with the organ postlude and all are invited to stay and listen to the postlude which concludes the worship service. The Senior Choir sings an anthem each week as well as leading the hymns and psalm responses. Additional choirs which enhance worship include the Youth Choir (ages 7 through Grade 12); the Cherub Choir (ages 3 and up – singing at Christmas and Easter worship) and the Adult Handbell Choir, The Village Ringers.
Special services throughout the year also include music by guest musicians who volunteer their time and talent.
For further information about the Music Ministry, please contact the church office.

The 7-Rank Estey Organ
1911 (Opus 910) Organ
built by Estey Pipe Organ Company, Brattleboro, VT
Cost - $920.00
Installed at Chalkstone Ave. Presbyterian Church, Providence, R.I.
1940’s – Organ moved to a church in Staffordville, CT
1961 – Organ purchased by North Stonington Congregational Church
and installed by Potter-Rathbun Organ Company, Cranston, R.I.
Purchase Price - $ 600
New Power Blower - $ 300
Professional labor - $ 900
Electrical wiring, lumber $ 150
April, 1961 – Organ dedication concert performed by Beatrice Hatton Fisk, first dean and founder of the New London County Chapter of The American Guild of Organists in 1949. ev. Edward H. Hayes, Minister
1992 – Complete organ renovation by Potter – Rathbun Organ Co.
Newly refurbished 1935 Austin Organ Console
Including full organ piston, couplers and stop actions.
Original action – Tubular-Pneumatic
Rebuild action – Electro Mechanical
Renovated balcony to 3 levels
TOTAL COST $39,932
October 4, 1992 – Organ dedication concert performed by Church Organist and
Director of Music, Michael G. Noonan and his first organ teacher, Dr. Roberta Bitgood, first female national president of The American Guild of Organists and composer of many choral anthems and organ works. Rev. Newell E. Bishop, Minister
November, 2022 – Front and side gold organ pipes refurbished and repainted
by McNeely Organ Company, Waterford, CT. Rev. Susan Latourette, Minister
ESTEY ORGAN COMPANY Brattleboro, VT – Op. 910 (1911)
McNEELY ORGAN COMPANY (2022 – now servicing organ) Waterford, CT
2 manuals, 16 stops, 7 ranks
Organ console – Refurbished 1935 Austin Organ Console; Cherry Finish; Modern solid-state circuitry, including full organ pistons, couplers and stop actions.
Manuals: Compass CC to C4, 61 notes
Pedals: Compass CCC to G, 32 notes
Action: Electro-Mechanical
Console: Rebuilt, Detached - All stops and couplers controlled by stop keys
GREAT ORGAN (unenclosed)
Diapason 8’ (#1-17 façade pipes) 61 pipes
Salicional (Swell) 8’ 61 pipes
Stopped Flute (Swell) 8’ 61 pipes
Octave 4’ 61 pipes
Fifteenth 2’ 61 pipes
SWELL ORGAN (expressive)
Salicional 8’ 61 pipes
Stopped Flute 8’ 61 pipes
Flute Harmonic 4’ 61 pipes
Flute Octave 2’ 12 pipes
Larigot 1-1/3’ 61 pipes
PEDAL ORGAN (unenclosed)
Bourdon 16’ 32 pipes
Diapason (Great) 8’ 32 notes
Salicional (Swell) 8’ 32 notes
Bourdon (Swell) 8’ 32 notes
Octave (Great) 4’ 32 notes
Flute (Swell) 4’ 32 notes
Great to Pedal 8’ Swell to Great 16’ Great 4’
Swell to Great 8’
Swell to Pedal 8’ Swell to Great 4’ Swell 4’
Swell to Pedal 4’
Pistons No. 1-2-3-4-5 single memory affecting full organ
General cancel
Balanced Expression Pedal – Swell Organ
Balanced Crescendo Pedal with indicator light
Concave, radiating pedal clavier
Organ bench with music shelf
Motor starter switch